Boy's Questionnaire Results

1. What age group are you?

The graph shows that we aimed our questionnaire at the target audience we wanted which was 15 to 18. As most horror have content appropriate for that age group. Horrors can also have an older audience but our film trailer has themes and issues that a teenage audience would relate to and understands better than an older audience.

2. What genre of film do you usually watch?

Our group thought that it would be good to find out what genre our target audience watches. In the graph the horror genre is the third highest choice made by our target audience. Comedy was the highest however; our group felt that comedy would have been a very challenging genre to do as senses of humour are very different. With horror we felt that it would be easier to incorporate different genres such as action and thriller.

3. What do you look for in a horror film?

This question was quite important, as it gives our group an idea of what they’re expecting from our film. The highest choice which was tension, which is what we should focus on, as tension will make our trailer stronger and please our target audience. We will also try to incorporate the other themes as many of our target audience choose them, such as suspense and action.

4. What would you want to see in a film trailer?

This question helps us to choose whether our target audience would enjoy a character or narrative based trailer. The highest was introduction to the character. We had already chosen our story which could have been narrative or character based, and now looking at this graph we will make the introduction more about the characters which we feel would work better for our themes. Also another of the highest chosen themes was clues to the film, which we feel is need for a trailer as we want to make it clear to the audience about what are films about.

5. What would you not want to see in a film trailer?

This was important as we wanted to know not what to do and what are target audience wouldn’t enjoy to watch. We want our target audience to enjoy and want to see the film after watching our trailer. The one highest theme’s chosen were clues which reveal the narrative or twist, we have to make sure we don’t do this and keep mystery to our trailer.

6. How are you informed when a new film is released?

This question helps identify what mediums, how and where our target audience consume information about newly released films. The highest medium chosen was trailers, which is the main medium we are using.

7. Do you think trailers are the most effective form of advertising?

This graph shows that our target audience thought that trailers were the most effective form of advertising, which also was shown in the graph above. Our main medium for our film is a trailer so we will be able to meet our target audience’s expectations.

8. What characters do you expect to see in a horror genre film?

This question was to give us an idea of what characters we would use in our trailer, the character which was chosen the most was a villain, in our trailer we are going to put a villain in are trailer however try and put mystery to who the villain is, as this relates questions, 4 and 5.

9. What type of setting would you expect a horror film to be set in?

This question was for our benefit, we had chosen are set as a forest, but we wanted to see what our target audience would expect to see. The most chosen location was an abandoned building; however this would be a hard set to find. The second highest was a school location; however we felt that this would be an easy option and so we are sticking to our forest location.

By Nicole Smallman


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