I hope you enjoy watching the trailer!!!!
Analysis of our Trailer
Camera angles:
Long shot of car parked, giving audience a clear idea of people being picked up. Also a long shot characters getting out of the house to the boot of the car, all in frame of the screen. Shot inside the boot of the car, character throws bag in the boot and slams the boot of the car, communicates to the audience that everything is packed and the characters are going somewhere, i.e. camping. Use of medium and close-up shots focusing on main characters, guides the audience who to focus on and who the main characters are. Beginning of the dance scenes, use of medium shot, keeps characters in frame of the screen. Zoom in on characters Benedict and Amber, brings focus for the audience on whom to be watching. Also zoom in on the car driving away, themes of movement. Medium shot of character Nicola walking, audience can see the background of the forest establishes where she is, themes of camping trip, relates to narrative. Panning shot around tree, to communicate to the audience the characters are being followed. Establishing shot of trees and paths, relates to the narrative of camping trip in emphasise, tells the audience of the location. Medium shots so it’s clear for the audience to see what’s going, while still having fast and quick cuts. Close-up of character Benedict, audience can see his facial expressions which shows fear and that he’s scared of whatever he is running from.
Two shots of production/distribution companies i.e. Columbia, tells audience it’s a well produced and distributed film and the audience would recognise, as seen in other films as well. Use of written transitions and black transitions to help the trailer run smoothly and written transitions gives an insight to the audience the narrative of the film. Use of fast and quick cuts in the car scenes, showing the audience the characters are going somewhere, but in a snappy way, as still trying to tease the audience and keep mystery to the story. Quick cuts start after ‘Last Night’ written transition. Fits with the pace of music, helps to start of the story without dragging on and keeping the audience’s attention. Dancing scene, there is use of really fast cuts and transitions to create a flashing effect in time with the music. Change in scene of one of the character Nicola walking in the forest with voiceover saying ‘he doesn’t like you’ use of flash back of the party scene, communicates the audience what the voice is talking about and intertwines the party scenes with the camping scenes. Towards the end the horror side to the film starts the pace of the cuts increases, quick shot of individual characters being preyed on and looking scared.
Non-diagetic- Music to introduce the distribution/production companies. Change into youthful music which represents theme of teenage life which communicates straight away to the audience what this film is focused on. Vast change into slower music after transition ‘Last night’ represents a different moment in time, communicates themes of nostalgia to the audience. Vast change again into dance like music, fits with the characters dancing on screen, communicates to the audience that the characters are at a party. Dance music fades out, change into scary music and evil music, (equilibrium, disequilibrium, equilibrium) the music has a droning and whispering sound creates suspense. Use of voiceover saying ‘he doesn’t like you’ communicates to the audience the characters either hearing things or being followed. Also use again of a voiceover at the end saying ‘I’m not telling you my secret’, use of a suction sound which fits with what it say on screen ‘ In cinema march 13’ the written transition disappears with the sound giving it a ending.
Diagetic: Beeping of the car, communicates to the audience that the car is trying to signal to someone in the house he’s parked outside. After written transition ‘They never saw it coming’ The character Sophie shouts ‘Hi’, also we then see a shot of the characters Benedict and Sophie laying in bed and she declares her love for him. Use of dialogue from character Joseph, saying ‘this place is bloody scary man.’ Communicates to the audience that the characters can already sense that something is wrong with the location they are in. Also use of dialogue again of the character Benedict shouting for help. Also use of a scream from the character Amber, this communicates to the audience that the film has the genre of horror in it and that something bad happens to the individual characters.
Mise en scene:
•Car parked on the side of the road
•Bags put into car
•Party scene establishing the characters and narrative of the story, explaining how it all happened.
•Modern teenage costume
•House, props of alcohol, communicates the theme of a party.
•Characters Benedict and Sophie lying in bed, communicates to the audience they have sex.
•Car drives off, communicating to the new location, i.e. going to the forest to go camping.
•Trees and paths, establishing forest location.
•Tented used relates to the theme of camping in the forest.
•Night shots at night, shadows and darkness.
•Forest location to create a scary ambience.
Film synopsis
A group of friends intend to go to a rural area to camp out. One particular girl within the group has other plans as she has other intentions with a boy on the trip, as she has lusted over him from the first time she met him and after them having sex the day before the camping trip at a party, hopes were high for her meaning she would go to any extents to make him hers.
Whilst they are in the forest, a sequence of mysterious events occur which make the teens suspicious of a supernatural presence. One by one each of the characters experience a supernatural occurrence informing them of their death. As the films goes on, one by one character begin to disappear in strange circumstances leaving the other remaining characters bewildered and apprehensive. Little do the group of friends know that a particular character with the group r is responsible for the deaths taken place.
The film is called I’m not telling to my secret’, due to a female character being secretly obsessed and the others are not aware of this fact, until later on in the trip suspicion arises within the group as the group begin to diminish one by one.
A group of six friends intend to go to a rural area to camp out. The teenagers deceive their parents about where they intend to go as there is a twisted myth about the abandoned forest they are departing to. One particular girl within the group has other plans as she has other intentions with a boy on the trip, as she has lusted over him from the first time she met him and will go to any extents to make him hers.
Whilst they are in the forest, a sequence of mysterious events occur which make the teens suspicious of a supernatural presence. One by one each of the characters experience a supernatural occurrence informing them of their death. As the films goes on, one by one character begin to disappear in strange circumstances leaving the other remaining characters bewildered and apprehensive. The teens are suspicious of a man who lives in a cabin in the forest as he makes it clear to one character that they are not welcome. The teens begin to blame him for their friend’s disappearance and decide to investigate when the man leaves his cabin. However they are unsure if the man in the cabin is a figment of imagination as only one character has seen him.
After visiting the cabin they later discover what the myth entails as they were previously unaware of the narrative. The ancient myth is that a woman named Agatha lived in a cabin in the forest and was deeply in love with a man who often visited the forest, he however did not reciprocate her love and this filled her with anger and hatred for all love and it was never explain how or why she died. The myth now says that her spirit stays is in the presence of the forest and is waiting to hurt all people those who enter. One of the characters Diana is madly in love with a character named Rory, who is in a long term relationship with Nicola. The spirit of Agatha takes over Diana’s body and starts to control her actions which results in her killing all her friends due to this overwhelming spirit taking over her body.
The film is called I’m not telling to my secret’, due to a female character being secretly possessed and the others are not aware of this fact, until later on in the trip suspicion arises within the group as the group begin to diminish one by one.
Our previous film idea consisted of a myth taking place in the forest that the teenagers where departing to. The myth was “a woman named Agatha lived in a cabin in the forest and was deeply in love with a man who often visited the forest, he however did not reciprocate her love and this filled her with anger and hatred for all love and it was never explain how or why she died. The myth now says that her spirit stays is in the presence of the forest and is waiting to hurt all people those who enter. The spirit of Agatha takes over Diana’s body and starts to control her actions which results in her killing all her friends due to this overwhelming spirit taking over her body”. The reason we changed our film idea is that we felt it would be difficult to portray a realistic myth to audiences in a trailer, our group felt only well experience media editors could produce a realistic supernatural presence due to manipulative technology available. The predominant reason for changing our trailer is that we felt that the complex storyline would not entice our target audience. Instead a simple storyline about a teenage girl obsessed with a teenage boy which is further amplified when sleeping together leading to her seeking revenge on all those the teenage boy intend to make a move on next is something which our teen target audience can relate too.
By Whole Group
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